Are you successfully engaging the 83 million members of the Millennial generation?
Many financial marketers, product managers and strategists struggle to connect with this demographic and serve them effectively. Without knowledge and understanding of Millennial attitudes, behaviors, and preferences, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to reach them. Our new study, Millennials Revisited: Financial Services and the Digital Generation, will arm you with the information you need to better understand and market to the Millennial generation.
5 Questions We Address
1) How do Millennials' financial attitudes and behaviors differ from those of earlier generations?
2) What financial product features do Millennials value most?
3) Which financial services firms are effectively targeting and serving this group, and how?
4) What are the most effective ways to use technology to market to and serve these consumers?
5) How can financial firms use education, gamification, social media and other tactics to engage Millennials?
To conduct the research for Millennials Revisited, we analyzed the results of three proprietary consumer surveys Corporate Insight fielded between November 2015 and September 2016 that focused on bank customers, retail investors and defined contribution (DC) plan participants. The objective was to quantify how Millennials differ from other generations in terms of their financial behaviors, preferences, attitudes and circumstances. We also leveraged insights from our ongoing industry tracking and interviews with subject matter experts in the financial services, marketing and technology fields with specific knowledge of Millennials. Additionally, we consulted numerous third-party research sources and reviewed the digital platforms of the industry’s major financial institutions and start-ups.
Download the study preview
For more information, please contact your CI Account Manager, or contact:
James McGovern
VP, Consulting Services
646-454-2667 jmcgovern@corporateinsight.com
© 2016 Corporate Insight, Inc.
1) Full study table of contents
2) Introduction and overview of the study
3) Challenges that Millennials pose to financial services firms
Complete the form below to receive:
-Full study table of contents
-Introduction and study overview
-Challenges that millennials pose to financial services firms